Cost: $3750 per house We are able to construct wood houses for needy families for approximately $3750. The houses are 20' x 20' and have three rooms. In addition, families are provided 2 twins beds and basic household items. Teams of 4-8 people with little or no construction skills will complete this home in 3-4 days.

Cost: $1200 per bathroom

Cost: $200 per stove

Many people in the village suffer from poor eyesight. Eye Doc in a Box will equip a layperson to examine eyesight and prescribe glasses. Training is free, along with 2 refraction kits offered after completing the training. The investment for the training and refraction/examination kit can be used repeatedly. Giving prescription glasses to those in need, will change their lives by resorting their physical sight. For more information on Eye Doc in a Box please click the link.

For several years we have been able to treat animals in the community as a means of outreach. This option is available for missionary vets or we have a Guatemalan vet who our teams can work with. Our project costs are approximately $150 per day for this service.

Feeding programs area vital part of the ministry of CRI. For many of the children we serve, the daily meal they receive through our programs is their only meal. We are currently serving around 1000 students per day in 8 different departments of Guatemala. This feeding program is fully dependent on donations in order to keep it going.